This year’s International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), from November 12 to 15, isn't just in Kigali - you can join, interact, and follow along virtually. ICFP brings together the family planning community to share best practices, celebrate successes and chart a course forward, so don’t let distance stop you from participating.

There are multiple ways to immerse yourself in the family planning movement:

Virtual conference:

  1. WATCH sessions specifically created for a virtual audience. For the first time, partners from the family planning community are developing original sessions to broadcast via Facebook Live. More than a dozen segments will air over the week of November 12. They’ll be engaging, interactive and cover a range of underrepresented topics and diverse perspectives.

  2. SIGN UP for a unique newsletter or show each day of the conference. The youth-led Sex O’Clock News, Devex’s The State of Family Planning, and Girls’ Globe Live: Connected Conversations from ICFP2018 will connect you with voices from around the world.

  • STREAM the speeches, performances, and surprises live from the plenary hall via the hub, developed by FHI 360.

  • SIGN UP for snappy daily conference digests straight to your inbox.

Social media:

  • FOLLOW @ICFP2018 on Instagram (you don’t want to miss the stories) and Twitter.

  • JOIN the #ICFP2018 Virtual Conference Program Facebook group to get notifications about the latest posts and engagement opportunities.

And don’t forget - chime in and share all of the #ICFP2018 content you love!
