Mwikali Kivuvani.jpg

Mwikali is a public health specialist that advocates for the sexual and reproductive rights (SRHR) of young people, women and marginalized groups at the national, regional and international levels. She focuses on advocacy, research, and policy development and communication of youth groups. She has extensive experience in various health fields including in health systems strengthening, policy development and analysis, Advocacy, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) including family planning, HIV/AIDS, WASH, gender equality & equity, behaviour change communication, capacity building, infectious diseases, nutrition.  Mwikali has a background in Applied Behavior Science; Community Health and Development from the University of Kansas and a MPH from the University of Sheffield. Mwikali is the National Coordinator at the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance in Kenya promoting sexual reproductive health and rights and likes to move between high-level policy development and grass-roots fieldworks to support individuals and communities to access and participate in the social development process. Mwikali’s passion is in health systems strengthening and health financing to improve reproductive health and Non-communicable disease prevention and management.

Mwikali has lived in Africa, North America, and the UK.